Creating Receptionist Job Descriptions: Essential Writing Tips

Were you looking for a great in-house receptionist, who will help you save time and make your business more efficient? Well, all you need to do is to write a good receptionist job description so that you hire the best one out there.

Writing a job description to post on recruitment websites is an art and also a science. Studies show that when recruitment ads are well written, highly qualified applicants apply. Similarly, a well written job description will attract the kind of receptionist who will revolutionize your office.

What does a well written job description look like?

A job description should not be very short, or very lengthy. It should provide all the necessary elements, without giving away too much. Using the right keywords, mentioning the right skill sets required, and using simple but elegant language is important when you write for your future-applicants. In the context of a receptionist job description, make sure that you highlight the personal qualities required, specific skills that your business may need, communication skills, and certain administrative skills that your receptionist should possess.

It can be divided into four sections:

Section 1: brief description of the receptionist’s job

This section will give the applicant a brief idea about the job, and why they should pay more attention to your recruitment advertisement. Do not use complex words, and briefly describe the job’s responsibilities. If you are writing a job description to hire receptionists, this section should cover required interpersonal and personal skills, brief job duties, and any particular qualifications that you may be looking for.

For example:

A friendly and professional receptionist who can work independently, and liaise with clients over telephone and in person; maintains customer data on CRM and notifies superiors when clients express interest.

Section 2: Highlights of the receptionist’s role

This section details the receptionist’s role without any ambiguity. Do not exceed more than 4-5 sentences, as most people do not have the patience to read through verbose job descriptions. Focus on important receptionist roles such as note-taking abilities, written and telephonic communication skills, interpersonal skills, administrative skills, customer service experience, language fluency and technology skills.

For example:

Job description highlights:

  • Has to work independently under stressful conditions without the need for constant input or supervision.
  • Must interact, negotiate and speak with clients on both telephone and email, and take notes when necessary.
  • Should have basic computer skills and must be willing to learn how to use our CRM, so that data can be entered.
  • Must notify management when leads and prospects express interest in our products and services.

Section 3: skills and qualifications required

This section may be written in a couple of sentences. Some employers choose to simply list all the skills required using commas, but you can also choose to list the skills with the help of a well written sentence. Make sure that you do not list unnecessary or obvious skills. List only those that are specific to your business or to the particular receptionist position.

For example:

Applicants need to possess superior English language fluency, friendly demeanor, excellent communication skills, customer service experience, be willing to learn and work independently, and have adequate computer skills.

Section 4: any other details you might want to mention

Do you have a tip about how a receptionist can crack the interview? Are you looking for some particular personal characteristic in your receptionist? Is there something that your applicant needs to know about some topic? Do you want the applicant to call you up on a specific number or email you to a particular address? This is the place to communicate with the applicant at a more personal level.

For example:

Applicants who have worked previously with real estate agencies will be given preference.

Write a job description or hire a virtual receptionist?

A well written receptionist job description usually consists of four sections, in which the first section briefly describes the job, the second highlights the important roles, the third lists the specific skills and qualifications necessary, while the last section provides additional information, if necessary.

If you do not want to go through the trouble of writing a job description or hiring and sustaining a full-time receptionist, just give us a call today to hire a virtual receptionist, who will start taking your calls as soon as you purchase our service. Our virtual receptionists are careful chosen, meet all the criteria required for excellent receptionists, and have oodles of experience when it comes to helping clients like you.

Written by

Marlene & Racquel

Marlene & Racquel

Marlene started with Abby Connect 8 years ago as a receptionist and was won over by the culture and care the company has for its employees. Since then, Marlene has been a pivotal piece of growing Abby Connect – having been a long-time leader in hiring, training, developing, and managing the receptionist floor. Racquel’s journey began as one of the first Abby receptionists, the most important role at Abby, and after 11 years of performing various roles to help grow the company including directing all staff development, she’s now an Abby Way Co-Director. Together, Racquel and Marlene as certified life coaches, continue to help all Abby departments as well as their own team with hiring, training, brand reputation, development and culture.

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