The Significance of Career Growth in Hiring

Do you know what the number one question I get asked when I am interviewing someone for a receptionist position? With excitement in their eyes, potential candidates always ask “What kind of growth opportunities do you provide?” Believe it or not, they don’t commonly ask me about the pay, the hours, or even the benefits we provide. Potential candidates today want to know that they’re signing up for an opportunity to evolve professionally and grow their skill-sets. They want to challenge their mind and strengthen their current capabilities. No one wants to work at a company with a glass ceiling anymore.

So, some of you might be a bit shocked about the fact that potential candidates ask about our growth opportunities more than the wages. Well, with how the workforce has been advancing it’s no wonder that this is the question applicants lead with nowadays. And, this isn’t just coming from the millennial generation, by the way. Professionals of all ages and backgrounds are searching for a job or career that has a sense of purpose, a deeper meaning, strong values, and above all, growth opportunities. Employees are no longer tolerating the outdated treatment of being considered just another number. Today’s professionals want to broaden their horizons and be a somebody in the working world. And, career development often leads to higher-paying positions. So, it’s a double whammy!

When candidates ask me what I love most about my job here at Abby Connect I can’t help but smile when I tell them that it’s the unlimited growth opportunities. I have been with this company for almost seven years now. And, my role here has evolved in more ways then you can imagine. I’m living proof that career growth not only attracts but also keeps valuable employees.

Growth Opportunities Attract Top Staff & Retain Valued Employees

Dedicated attention to career development within any business is a long term investment that truly pays off. When you provide this kind of growth your employees are more likely to hang in for the long haul. And, you’re more likely to attract candidates of a higher professional caliber and commitment.

I’m loyal to this company because my history with Abby Connect has provided me with the professional growth that I simply would not have received elsewhere. There are few organizations that would have taken an 18-year-old with no experience, with only a few years of college education, and helped bring her to the level of professionalism that I proudly practice every day.

Increases Employee Motivation & Productivity

It’s amazing how providing growth opportunities increases employee motivation and productivity. As part of our Staff Development department, I’ve personally seen our employee motivation and productivity increase because we provide our employees with all kinds of resources. Quite often I’ve seen new associates earn growth opportunities with a title. For me, growth is far more than a title though. Growth, to me, is having the opportunity to learn something new and develop my skill-sets.

Thanks to Abby Connect I have the abilities and opportunities to invest in professional development books and materials for our team. We also give our leaders the chance to attend seminars and workshops, internally and externally. Providing resources like these has helped our team be more inspired and motivated. Many times, our leaders come back from seminars enlightened and ready to brainstorm new and innovative ideas. Having a culture that promotes growth fuels me every day to be better and sharper than I was the day before.

Improves Employee’s Career Satisfaction

Career satisfaction might be the goal for many but career passion, inspiration, and fulfillment is the standard for our company. I can truly say that I’m not only satisfied in my role, but I am extremely fulfilled with the work that I do. I know what I contribute at work has purpose and meaning. I don’t think that I would feel this passionate about my work if I was treated like another number. I’d most likely feel burnt-out, unfulfilled, and dissatisfied which I’m sure most of you reading this would feel the same.

Being immersed in a growth-focused atmosphere has helped propel me forward. I can think outside the box, ask for resources, create new positions, come up with innovative ideas, learn from guest speakers, bounce ideas off of my growth-focused coworkers, and all because of the Abby Way culture.

Contributes to Self-Confidence

Self-confidence says it all. Nothing is more desirable to an individual or a business than having those on your team with the self-confidence to back a product or service. But self-confidence doesn’t come easy. At least, not for everyone. And, especially for those just starting out in the working world. If you provide the support and development opportunities to your employees that they deserve then you’ll get what’s coming to you too. Dedicated, capable, and confident people.

I confidently walk into our interviews with applicants because I can’t wait for the interviewee to ask me about our growth opportunities. I know that our core values (excellence, integrity, inclusiveness, unity, GROWTH, and passion) and our Abby Way lifestyle isn’t just rubbish that we post on our website to lure people in. Our company’s culture and development opportunities are true to the core. I couldn’t even begin to imagine what it would be like to repeatedly tell applicants that there is no room for growth! And, thanks to Abby Connect I will never have to.

The Philosophy of Human Resources Management

Employee growth and supporting career development is mandated by the philosophy of Human Resource Management. HR Management involves a set of interrelated policies with an ideological and philosophical orientation that forms a business. It’s a concentrated approach to managing people by incorporating competitive advantages. And, any working professional will tell you, it pays to work with your HR department.

Developing our employees is in our Abby DNA! Development is why 91% of our current leadership team has been promoted from within. Sure, it might be easier to hire an external sales representative with years of experience. But nothing feels better or benefits us more than watching our own people who started in reception grow and develop into a role that suits their talents and skill-sets.

Career Development Opportunities at Abby Connect

Over the past seven years, I worked as a receptionist, wrote marketing content (like this article, for example), coordinated culture projects, took over our talent acquisition processing, took on training workshops, worked in Human Resources, ran the day-to-day operations, held professional development sessions, managed client relationships, managed sales accounts, and well…the list goes on.

At Abby Connect we encourage our new hires to continue growing. Both personally and professionally. Our receptionists are provided countless opportunities to grow themselves into roles such as account managers, sales managers, and even department leaders. If you’re interested in growing with a company like ours please visit our Indeed listing today. We’d be delighted to interview with you.

Written by

Marlene Cosain

Marlene Cosain

Marlene started with Abby Connect 7 years ago as a receptionist and was won over by the culture and care the company has for its employees. The minute she took her first phone call, she fell in love with helping people. Since then, Marlene has been a pivotal piece of growing Abby Connect – having been a long-time leader in hiring, training, developing, and managing the receptionist floor. Outside of work, Marlene and her husband also run an online retail business. Marlene’s personal mission as a certified Life Coach and as an Abby Way Co-Director is to inspire, empower and educate others in the Abby Way.

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