Moms Thriving in Business at Abby

Working with a great team like Abby Connect definitely has its perks. One thing, we definitely have a majority female team and the energy is positive, not negative and catty like some might expect.

What It Means To Be a Working Mom at Abby Connect

Another huge bonus is that we actually get to have a reasonable work-life balance (just like the one we provide to our clients as an anwering service). As a working mother, that is an invaluable perk, because it means more time with out children and families.

At the beginning of the month, we stated we’ll be celebrating women in business here in the office, but truthfully, it’s what we do every single day, regardless of giving it a title or not.

Our fearless leader, CEO, and currently the only man in the office on a daily basis, has hired a team of diverse, fabulous women. About half of us are moms, and half of the moms are actually heading a single-parent household. Being an Abby Connect employee means not only that we get to come to a work environment with an amazing vibe, not only that we get to put food on the table, but also that we’re in a supportive place that allows for life to happen (so long as we’re on point with our own work, of course).

We’re a strong team, and here are some of the ways that we contribute to our goals at work and at home here at Abby Connect:

We’re More Than Your Typical Answering Service

This Isn’t Your Same Old Receptionist Job

Each virtual receptionist is trained in much more than the basic essentials of what a receptionist job entails. Within the course of the intense training program we provide our receptionists, they become thoroughly versed in things like empathy versus sympathy, rapid-fire problem solving, building trust, professional speech and behavior, on the spot customer satisfaction, and much, much more. This makes Abby Connect’s virtual receptionists ones that you can trust with your business calls and incoming leads.

Moms Are Naturally Hard Workers

Without getting into all of the gory details of what it means to be a mom on a daily basis, how hard we work at home translates directly into how hard we work at our jobs. We give Abby Connect (and our clients, of course) our all day in and day out. There is no settling for second best, we strive to be the absolute best, and we are one of the top-rated answering services on the market.

We Own Essential Customer Service Skills

Going back to our extensive training right here. But even outside of that, we understand that everyone can very well be in a position of being the one calling a law office or looking for assistance placing an order and not actually getting the basic customer service that should be commonplace. At one point or another, we’re all going to be on the customer/client end of a relationship, and so we truly aim to own those customer satisfaction skills that we’d want from the receiving end, too.

Customer Delight Is à la Minute

Customer delight is more than satisfaction. It’s about going above, beyond, and building a connection with a caller. It’s not just a catchy term we use to get people reading about what we do, it’s what we actually do – or at least aim to – each minute, each phone call, each day. WOWism is not an -ism at Abby Connect; we actually hear it regularly from both our clients and callers. Now that’s real customer delight.

We’ve Bonded Both In and Out of The Office

Part of being a true team and more than just a call center, our virtual receptionists and the rest of our team take time to get to know one another, organize play dates for the kids, and make a real effort to connect. This is what makes us different from any other answering service, where the door is constantly revolving for employees. Our CEO even wrote about employee retention in an article a while back.

From a virtual receptionist, to a sales lead, to a marketing director, each of our lovely ladies are intelligent, hard workers and we are grateful for this incredible business that allows us to be career women and moms simultaneously.

Written by

Hope Holland

Hope Holland

Hope joined Abby Connect in 2016 as a receptionist. She now leads the Sales Team in their efforts to help small businesses with their communication needs. Hope has always valued the customer experience and understands how crucial it is for businesses that want to succeed. With this mission, she strives to help businesses connect with their clients and improve the experience their business offers.

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