24/7 Call Answering Abby Connect
24/7 Call Answering Abby Connect

Keeping Customers Cool: The Value of Live Receptionists for HVAC Companies

The arrival of summertime brings lots of outdoor fun, but your customers’ seasonal well-being depends on finding cool relief when they step indoors. If their air conditioning stops working, people’s unhappiness will rise right along with the temperature. They need to be able to reach you immediately for a solution, but they also need to know that your company truly hears and empathizes with them. They want their frustration respected, and they won’t feel that respect if their calls aren’t answered. Using Abby as your HVAC Answering Service alternative is the best way to ensure that you never miss a single call.

Read more on 24 hour answering service through live chat and get more customers.

Why a Live Receptionist is Crucial for HVAC Companies

Vanderbilt University Psychologist Chad Buck points out that people actually feel angrier during hot weather. If we’re overheated, our heart rate increases, and that has a big effect on our mood. As a result, Buck explains, “The possibility of angry and aggressive reactions becomes intensified.” Not only that, but Cambridge Brain Sciences reports that “The stakes can be high. Studies have found that increased temperatures contribute to reduced workplace safety. Nearly any job has a cognitive component, so workers in offices without air conditioning will be hit with a splash of reduced productivity and danger along with any heat wave.”

In order to “avoid adding fuel to an already smoldering fire,” University of Alabama psychologist Josh Klapow recommends techniques that help an upset person slow down and think a situation through. Abby Connect’s live receptionists are a contractor answering service alternative which provides your agitated, overheated customer with a sympathetic listener, as well as the immediate solution of being given an appointment. All our receptionists are trained in the key skills of reflective listening and communicating with utmost courtesy and professionalism. Your customer will end the call knowing that their problem is on the way to being solved, and they will associate those positive feelings with your brand.

Emergencies Don’t Always Occur During Business Hours

HVAC problems aren’t confined to summer, of course. Wintertime brings serious safety challenges, and if a heating system fails in freezing weather, your customers may reach out to you in a state of real anxiety. You can set the hours in which Abby Connect’s live receptionists answer the phones up to 24 hours a day, giving your customers (and you) the confidence of knowing that your service is never out of touch.

Avoid Inconveniencing Callers When They’re Already Having a Bad Day

If your customer is calling you because they’re physically uncomfortable, they don’t want the inconvenience of having to reach out again and again. With Abby Connect serving as a contractor answering service replacement, we will take all necessary information on the very first call. With this information, our expert receptionists will prioritize callers on the basis of your company’s protocols and make an appointment on the spot for their problem to be solved. Abby Connect also offers the added convenience of bilingual receptionists so that your Spanish-speaking customers don’t have to undergo the extra frustration of not being able to communicate.

Effective HVAC Service isn’t Enough

Of course, your company provides quality HVAC products and services. That goes without saying. The problem is that it’s hard to provide that excellent service when you’re trying to answer every incoming phone call! Here in the twenty-first century, consumers have come to expect instant access to assistance. They don’t want to be left on hold until you’re available, and they don’t want to have to leave messages and wait around for a return call. HVAC services have been essential to everyday life since the turn of the 20th century. Now we need to level up their customer service to match the twenty-first century!

You can check out our in-depth live receptionist visual guide to learn all about the simple steps in narrowing down to the ideal call expert based on the nature of your business. Our offerings include live reception specialists which surpass contractor answering services, plumber answering services, and HVAC answering services. Today’s marketplace is competitive, and you need every edge you can get. Give your HVAC company the advantage that competitors can’t match: effective customer service.

Written by

Hope Holland

Hope Holland

Hope joined Abby Connect in 2016 as a receptionist. She now leads the Sales Team in their efforts to help small businesses with their communication needs. Hope has always valued the customer experience and understands how crucial it is for businesses that want to succeed. With this mission, she strives to help businesses connect with their clients and improve the experience their business offers.