How to Bring Value to Your Customer, When Your Competitors Are Way Too Big

It is often challenging for small businesses to compete with well-established brands. However, with a little effort, even a small business can have a powerful brand if they bring more value to customers. Customer service is an area with immense scope for improvement, given the rising dissatisfaction among customers jaded by poor service. According to a study, 80% of Americans believe smaller companies place more emphasis on customer service than their larger counterparts. We agree!! Take a look at how superior customer service can help your small business win over customers.

4 Ways Customer Service Can Win Over Customers

1) Do You Know Your Product?

Having a thorough understanding of your product or service is essential to satisfy your customers. Being the authority on your product gives your customers a huge sense of security. Your client relations and sales teams must be able to answer all product-related queries with ease. Additional sources of information such as your website, blogs, demonstration videos or a specific person in your company, could be used to inform customers. Knowledge of the product is more important than speed when emailing a customer, so do everything in your power to get it right the first time, every time. Your team members should be ready to demonstrate how your business is better than your competitors’ down to the last detail.

2) Train Insane or Stay The Same

Customer-focused staff should be thoroughly and frequently trained in working with customers. Professional presentations, clarity of speech, knowledge of your products as well as that of your competitor’s, language proficiency and excellent listening skills are all essential traits of a customer relations and sales team members. According to the Executive Vice President at American Express, Jim Bush:

“Investing in quality talent, and ensuring they have the skills, training and tools that enable them to empathize and actively listen to customers are central to providing consistently excellent service experiences.”

3) How Do You Solve A Problem?

One major reason customers will not do business with a company again is because they do not solve their problems in a timely manner. Customers will instantly contact a company whenever they face a problem. Every customer has a unique set of issues such as a lack of understanding about product features, inability to deploy a product appropriately, product defects, or service deficiency. Listening and quickly responding to customer complaints and queries means a lot of to your customers.

Besides listening and responding quickly, customer feedback is another crucial aspect of customer service and solving customer problems. Larger companies conduct expensive market research to understand their customers and yet acting on the feedback can take a very long time. Small business owners can employ thoughtful approaches and hire virtual receptionist services to systematically improve customer satisfaction. It gives them an opportunity to understand customers’ perspective closely and act on time.

4) “Your Call Is Very Important To Us.”

Big businesses with huge customer bases often run recordings on their phones asking customers to wait until their call is transferred to client relations or sales. This constant wait frustrates customers. Small business owners, on the other hand, can utilize this opportunity by efficiently receiving every call through a virtual receptionist service.

Using a virtual receptionist service to maintain call record of every customer and tracking all customer queries enables you to service them appropriately. Giving a personalized service shows that you care, and customers feel valued. Calling customers by their first name, recognizing their interests and preferences, and giving personalized recommendations through a virtual receptionist service helps you to build a strong relationship with customers, among other things.

Mesmerize Clients With Your Virtual Receptionist Service

Providing superior customer service is the best way to compete with your well-established rivals. Virtual receptionist services will help you to generate more value for your customers. Whether answering FAQs or explaining a product feature, customer queries are swiftly addressed with live phone answering services.

All calls are instantly answered even after your office is closed for the day. Contact information, customer feedback, and new customer details are diligently recorded and entered into the CRM without losing any information. Above all, customers get a personalized service just as you would always want to provide, but larger businesses may not.

Abby Connect Virtual Receptionists is #1 in customer service and virtual receptionist services according to Clutch. Try out our services with a 14-day no obligation free trial. Sign up for the trial in the form below.

Written by

Hope Holland

Hope Holland

Hope joined Abby Connect in 2016 as a receptionist. She now leads the Sales Team in their efforts to help small businesses with their communication needs. Hope has always valued the customer experience and understands how crucial it is for businesses that want to succeed. With this mission, she strives to help businesses connect with their clients and improve the experience their business offers.

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