How to Harness the Power of Virtual Assistants for Office Operations

When you think of the most important aspects of a company, customer service is something that has always been in the forefront of any businesses’ concerns. If clients are not happy, then business will suffer. A large part of keeping clients happy is always having a human answering phone calls to help with any questions or comments customers may have. Talking to a machine is something that will result in lost business and unhappy clients.

The answer to this problem is having a call answering service that will answer those calls for you when it is not possible to do yourself or by having a receptionist with regular hours. This kind of solution is also ideal for lawyers who are always on the go and are not always able to answer office phones. A virtual office assistant will not only answer calls, but they will also forward calls or voicemails tailored specifically to your liking. Office assistants are also trained to know your clients and what their businesses are about so that they can better answer any questions and to tailor calls to that specific customer.

When it comes to efficiently using your office assistant, it is best to have your calls forwarded to you when you are out of the office so that no call goes unanswered, or if you are not able to be on a call, have the client talk with the assistant and leave a message. Your assistant can then forward the message to you.

No matter how you use your office assistant, you are guaranteed to have a better impression on clients when they are not greeted by boring machines and rather, by a nice, friendly human who will answer their questions.

Written by

Marlene & Racquel

Marlene & Racquel

Marlene started with Abby Connect 8 years ago as a receptionist and was won over by the culture and care the company has for its employees. Since then, Marlene has been a pivotal piece of growing Abby Connect – having been a long-time leader in hiring, training, developing, and managing the receptionist floor. Racquel’s journey began as one of the first Abby receptionists, the most important role at Abby, and after 11 years of performing various roles to help grow the company including directing all staff development, she’s now an Abby Way Co-Director. Together, Racquel and Marlene as certified life coaches, continue to help all Abby departments as well as their own team with hiring, training, brand reputation, development and culture.

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