How a Phone Answering Service Could be Useful for Me?

Being a consultant or work-from-home freelancer, it’s difficult to gain credibility as a serious professional.

As a company of one working form home and utilizing a virtual office (I work from home and use the professional address for zoning and privacy purposes), there’s isn’t much need for us to have a phone answering service. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean we will never get a phone answering service, or that we actually don’t need one right now. If I were to have a phone answering service answering all of the company’s calls, here’s how and why I could really use the help:

  1. Taking Messages – I currently use Skype for my business. If I don’t answer a call in time, it forwards to my cell, where I could also miss the call. Then, I might get a message on my cell, which I could easily miss if my phone is on silent or if I happen to leave it at home. A phone answering service would take calls simply to take that message, and without any of the forwarding. This way, I can respond to messages a bit more promptly.
  2. Keeping Business, Business – My cell number actually has a different area code from my business, which can be confusing to people. It also means I’d have to give away my cell number if I were to make or to return a call to a client. Although that’s not entirely a bad thing, I don’t want my cell to be treated as the primary source of contact for me. With a phone answering service, I can much more easily keep my business number as my primary source of contact while giving me a little more choice in whom I give my cell number to.
  3. Sometimes, I Really Don’t Want to Take a Call – Especially if I am in the middle of a webinar or on lunch break, I don’t want to take any calls, no matter how important. I particularly don’t like unexpected calls, as I tend to feel interrupted and unprepared to take them. However, since I am the only employee, I have to attend to all calls. A phone answering service can help with that by having someone else take the call, and then I can attend to the important ones at another time and not have the unimportant ones distract me from more pressing tasks.
  4. My Home Office Doesn’t Have the Best Sound – I’ve had a couple of clients complain about the sound when on a Skype call, and I don’t think that Skype is to blame. I’ve used Skype in a few other places besides my home office, and its when I use it in the home office that they’ve complained. I don’t know if it’s the acoustics in the home office, or my headset, or my Internet connection, but perhaps a phone answering service might provide better quality for my own clients. Besides that, I don’t have any idea of what else my clients can hear in the background (dogs barking, cars driving by, the noisy upstairs neighbor etc).

Overall, even a home-based business or a sole proprietorship can use a phone answering service. Even if it’s for the sake of a more professional impression and a better quality call, a phone answering service can help by converting more potential customers into customers and by embodying more trust in you and your brand. A phone answering service isn’t just something that bigger companies or certain types of businesses have.

Written by

Marlene Cosain

Marlene Cosain

Marlene started with Abby Connect 7 years ago as a receptionist and was won over by the culture and care the company has for its employees. The minute she took her first phone call, she fell in love with helping people. Since then, Marlene has been a pivotal piece of growing Abby Connect – having been a long-time leader in hiring, training, developing, and managing the receptionist floor. Outside of work, Marlene and her husband also run an online retail business. Marlene’s personal mission as a certified Life Coach and as an Abby Way Co-Director is to inspire, empower and educate others in the Abby Way.