Abby Virtual Receptionist Essential Features
Abby Virtual Receptionist Essential Features

What Essential Features to look for in Live Virtual Receptionist Services?

Professional receptionists do much more than just field calls. They’re highly trained in your business and customer service and can help you grow your business. Keep reading to learn more about live virtual receptionists, their features and benefits and what virtual receptionists do.

Live Virtual Receptionist Features

So, what do virtual receptionists do?

  • Connect to your phone system to answer your calls.
  • Your dedicated receptionist team will answer and manage calls around the clock with 24/7 call answering. Virtual receptionists answer every call, resolve customer questions and concerns, schedule appointments and much more.
  • Log all call information in the client portal to allow you to access it on demand. Never miss a beat with a virtual receptionist and the Abby Connect app. The app allows you to make outgoing calls and send text messages from your business phone through the app, set your call availability and send updates directly to your receptionist team regarding your upcoming availability and how you want calls to be handled and check your current usage and how many Abby Connect receptionist minutes you have left for the billing period.
  • Save you 13 hours per week by handling all calls.
  • Increase the ROI of your calls. When your virtual receptionist prioritizes better phone customer service, you’ll reap the benefits of increased revenue, customer retention and satisfaction.
  • Customize your client intake for a more informed and personalized customer journey.

live receptionist

Benefits of Virtual Receptionists

There are several benefits associated with hiring a virtual receptionist, including:

Strengthen Your Reputation for Customer Service

One of the most significant benefits of live virtual receptionists is that they can transform your business into a regional or industry leader in customer service. Studies continue to show that the majority of consumers prefer contacting businesses over the phone. So, if you have a way for consumers to contact you by phone, assurance that someone will answer and help them professionally and courteously, you’re well on your way to becoming a customer favorite!

Lower Overhead and Supplement Current Resources

Live virtual receptionists help you boost your customer service results while tapping into the power of word of mouth. This means that you don’t have to pay thousands of dollars on marketing, advertising and other unnecessary and high expenses. 

When you consider the fact that the average base annual salary for in-house receptionists is $31,000 — plus benefits, training costs and the potential for severance pay, the cost of a full-time receptionist is hard to justify for many business owners, especially small businesses owners. The good news is that live virtual receptionists are available to fill that gap for a mere fraction of the cost.

Even if you’re a business that can afford an in-house receptionist, consumer complaints, questions and emergencies don’t follow a 9-5 schedule. Having virtual receptionists available to answer the phone 24/7, 365 will make a huge difference when it comes to acquiring new customers, keeping current customers happy and standing out from the competition.

Increased Revenue and Business Opportunities 

All of the great benefits of live virtual receptionists add up to create more revenue and opportunities for your business, including by:

  • Maximizing your chances of connecting with every prospective and current customer who calls — no matter when they call. No more missed opportunities in missed calls!
  • Providing better customer service, leading to greater customer lifetime value.
  • Allowing you to learn about your audience. Your team of live virtual receptionists will work to collect call data and key details about prospective and current customers, including:
    • Name
    • Contact details
    • Reason(s) for calling
    • Best times for a follow-up call
    • Feelings about the company, product, industry, etc.

These insights help make your advertising and sales measures more informed and accurate while also revealing gaps in customer experience and shaping your product and service offerings to truly reflect what your customers want.

Abby Connect Can Help

Need to learn more about live virtual receptionists? See our visual guide: Download the Visual Guide to Virtual Receptionist. or check out our guide on the 4 Things To Look For In Your Virtual Receptionist.

Written by

Hope Holland

Hope Holland

Hope joined Abby Connect in 2016 as a receptionist. She now leads the Sales Team in their efforts to help small businesses with their communication needs. Hope has always valued the customer experience and understands how crucial it is for businesses that want to succeed. With this mission, she strives to help businesses connect with their clients and improve the experience their business offers.