Infographic on 24/7 Call Answering Service
Infographic on 24/7 Call Answering Service

5 Stats That Prove Your Business Needs a Virtual Receptionist ASAP

Answering the phone.

Businesses have been doing it since the first commercial telephone service was invented in the late 1800s.

As commonplace as phone systems are now, every caller expects your business to pick up within a few rings and provide high-quality customer service. This is standard in today’s business world.

A missed call could mean a missed prospect, or worse, a prospect who’s now calling your competition. And as for your current customer base, quality of care translates directly to satisfaction and retention.

Gone are the days of “I’ll call you back” or “let the voicemail get it,” that is, at least, for businesses who wish to keep up with the pace of a rapidly shifting consumer environment.

Businesses need reliable customer service support, regardless of the circumstances. That’s why virtual receptionists are becoming a mainstream choice by many business owners inundated with calls.

To avoid speaking in hyperbole, we’ve amassed 5 stats that prove your business would benefit from a virtual telephone receptionist.

1. 67% of customers are serial switchers.

Serial switchers are customers who switch brands because of subpar customer service. Nowadays, they are the majority, meaning your customer care quality is more impactful than you might think.

It’s in the details. Every missed call could mean a missed opportunity or a strained client relationship. Many small business owners choose to leverage a virtual receptionist service to cover gaps. There are better ways for owners to spend their time than chasing down every incoming call.

A virtual telephone receptionist provides 24/7 instant-phone answering while acting as an extension of your business.

Callers get the same (or better) level of service that they expect from a well-run business.

2. 78% of people wish they could text a business.

We learned that customers don’t think twice before switching to a competitor. The kicker? Customers and prospects aren’t just calling your business. They have similar expectations for chat interactions; they want to text you.

Don’t underestimate the power of text or chat. Any viable virtual phone receptionist service offers the ability to manage your calls AND live chat, including website and text messaging.

One thing to consider. Not all virtual phone receptionist services are made equal. If your business isn’t equipped to handle live chat, you fall victim to those who prefer it to a phone call.

(Related Post: The Essential Features of Live Virtual Receptionist Services)

3. 78% of customers forgive a mistake after receiving excellent service.

Customers forgive if the service is excellent

You (or your business) will have bad days. We’re all human, and your customers understand that. What they won’t forgive are experiences that feel less than human. 

That’s why cookie-cutter phone receptionist services aren’t the answer. You need a reliable, confident individual operating your phone systems. No offshore call center. No work-from-home guessing games. No poorly trained, unequipped agents interacting with your prospects and customers.

Excellent service is even more than a friendly tone on the other end of the receiver. It’s a service that doesn’t falter, that doesn’t experience outages, and is a seamless extension of the business it represents.

4. 41% of qualified leads who call a business become customers.

It’s simple. They have a need. You offer a solution. You must be available if/when they call.

A grim visual: picture your marketing budget lit on fire and tossed in the garbage. This is an analogy for dollars spent on warm leads that slip through the cracks. But, as with marketing for most businesses, there’s an element of education or ‘warming’ leads. 

Once you hit the sweet spot, when the prospect is aware of your brand and solution, you must put yourself in a position to capitalize if/when they reach out. For some, this is a 24/7 live phone and chat support service to man the front lines. In reality, nearly half of all qualified callers will become a customer… but not if you don’t answer their call.

5. A front desk receptionist makes $30,000 per year on average.

Glassdoor estimates the average cost of a full-time front desk receptionist at $30,392 in the United States. But, of course, that’s just one receptionist. Odds are your business takes enough calls to warrant one or more

Furthermore, it’s pretty tricky to employ a receptionist around the clock, ensuring coverage for your business day and night.

While this isn’t necessarily the death of the in-house receptionist as a position, it signifies a need for a more affordable option that provides additional coverage and support.

Compare that $30,000 annual salary to a virtual phone receptionist service like Abby Connect, which offers a 5-person virtual receptionist team and 24/7 live chat plan for as little as $4,776 a year.

(Related Post: Choosing A Cost-Effective Live Receptionist Service)

Decision Time: Virtual Receptionist Solution

So, what does it all mean? You need a virtual receptionist. 

A large portion of qualified leads who call you will become customers. Most customers aren’t afraid to switch to a competitor, but they’ll forgive mistakes if the customer service quality is top-notch.

Finally, to achieve and maintain top-notch customer service, businesses can utilize a virtual receptionist for a fraction of the cost of an in-house alternative.

Need help getting started? Experience support from your dedicated receptionist team and customer success manager.

Written by

Racquel Pankau

Racquel Pankau

Racquel's journey began as one of the first Abby receptionists, the most important role at Abby Connect. After 12 years, Racquel has helped grow the company by performing various roles from IT support to hiring, training, staff development, and culture. Today, she is the Thought Leadership Director. Racquel is a published blogger, educational content writer, and speaker for Abby Connect. It’s her absolute pleasure to educate others on the Abby Way, a lifestyle if you will. This includes being warm, welcoming, a bit perky, and having a givers mindset when applied in business helps deliver exceptional customer experiences that lead to growth, customer loyalty, and amazing reviews.